[Haskell-cafe] Free lunch with GADTs
Tristan Ravitch
travitch at cs.wisc.edu
Wed Feb 13 18:01:53 CET 2013
Hi cafe,
I'm playing around with GADTs and was hoping they would let me have my
cake and eat it too. I am trying to use GADTs to tag a type with some
extra information. This information is very useful in a few cases,
but the more common case is that I just have a list of items without
the tags. Ideally I'll be able to recover the tags from the common
case via pattern matching. What I have right now is:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification, EmptyDataDecls, RankNTypes, LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
data Tag1
data Tag2
data T tag where
T1 :: Int -> T Tag1
T2 :: Double -> T Tag2
f1 :: [T t] -> Int
f1 = foldr worker 0
worker (T1 i) a = i+a
worker _ a = a
f2 :: [T Tag1] -> Int
f2 = foldr worker 0
worker :: T Tag1 -> Int -> Int
worker (T1 i) a = a + i
In f2 I can work with just values with one tag, but f1 is also
important to me (working with the untagged values). f1 type checks
but I do not know how to make a list [T t]. If I try the naive thing
in ghci, it understandably tells me:
> let l = [T1 5, T2 6.0]
Couldn't match type `Tag2' with `Tag1'
Expected type: T Tag1
Actual type: T Tag2
In the return type of a call of `T2'
In the expression: T2 6.0
In the expression: [T1 5, T2 6.0]
Fair enough. Is there any magical way to make this possible? I am
hoping to avoid making a separate existential wrapper around my type.
I know that approach works, but that would make the more common case
much less convenient. I also remember trying to use a type synonym
with -XLiberalTypeSynonyms:
type SimpleT = forall tag . T tag
I managed to basically get that working with another variant of my
list processing function, but it required -XImpredicativeTypes, which
apparently did very unfortunate things to type inference.
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