[Haskell-cafe] Persisting a Map
Alberto G. Corona
agocorona at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 11:21:15 UTC 2013
Thanks for the reference. I agree with the rant word by word.
I use tcache <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/TCache>. It is a cache
with access and update in the STM monad and each element can have its own
persistence, defined by the programmer. So an element can be the result of
a web service request for example from AWS, another from a database and a
third from anywhere. the three can participate in the same STM transaction
in memory and update their respective storages, if they are modified.
These are the kinds of things are not possible in conventional databases.
It is easy to create a almost a perfect product if you establishes the
rules of perfection and you sit at the center of the development process
that is what the SQL databases did for a long time. The DBs stayed at the
protective womb of the back-office, with a few queries per second and being
consistent with themselves and with nothing else. Now things have changed.
We need their STM transactions working for us close to fresh application
data at full speed, not in the backoffice. We need our data spread across
different locations. We have no other option. We need to synchronize and
integrate more than ever, so we need software and developers that can
figure out what the data is about by looking at it, so the schema must be
implicit in the data and so on.
2013/12/19 Mikael Brockman <mbrock at goula.sh>
> Andrew Cowie <andrew at operationaldynamics.com> writes:
> > Yeah, if external inspection were necessary that'd definitely be a good
> > reason to go that way for sure. The report from Ozgur that just
> > serializing out a Map structure was workable is encouraging, though.
> > I'll start with that.
> Pardon the digression, but I'd just like to appreciate this way of
> thinking. There's a rant by Bob Martin [1] that concludes:
> > "We are heading into an interesting time. A time when the prohibition
> > against different data storage mechanisms has been lifted, and we are
> > free to experiment with many novel new approaches. But as we play with
> > our CouchDBs and our Mongos and BigTables, remember this: The database
> > is just a detail that you don’t need to figure out right away."
> A project I'm working on uses a persistent append-only list, which is
> currently implemented like this, almost verbatim:
> async . forever $
> atomically (readTChan queue) >>= writeFile path . Aeson.encode
> Files are trivial to back up and generally easy to work with. Since
> it's just JSON, I can grep and mess with it easily with command-line
> tools. And since the writing is done in a separate thread reading from
> a queue, I don't need to worry about locking.
> I think this will be alright for a good while, and when the project
> outgrows it, I'll just migrate to some other solution. Probably
> acid-state, because the version migration stuff seems really useful.
> [1]: Bob Martin's rant "No DB",
> http://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2012/05/15/NODB.html
> --
> Mikael Brockman
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