[Haskell-cafe] How to determine the right path to haddock html documentation?

Carlo Hamalainen carlo at carlo-hamalainen.net
Fri Dec 13 21:50:40 UTC 2013


I'm writing a patch for ghcmod-vim so that a user can look up the
haddock html documentation for a symbol. My code makes three system
calls, e.g. to look up "Just" it does:

    $ ghc-mod info foo.hs Foo Just
    data Maybe a = ... | Just a     -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'

    $ ghc-pkg find-module Data.Maybe --simple-output
    haskell2010- base-

    $ ghc-pkg field base- haddock-html

Then "Data.Maybe" is changed to Data-Maybe.html" and appended to the
haddock-html value. But this procedure doesn't work in general, for
example when looking up String:

    $ ghc-mod info foo.hs Foo String
    type String = [Char]     -- Defined in `GHC.Base'

    $ ghc-pkg find-module GHC.Base

    $ ghc-pkg field base- haddock-html

    $ ls
    ls: cannot access
No such file or directory

because the html is in the src subdirectory:

    $ ls

But this isn't even the right place to go, one should look at the
Prelude file


which is what Hoogle suggests. How does Hoogle get it right?

It looks like haskell-mode for emacs runs into a similar problem:


  (defvar inferior-haskell-ghc-internal-ident-alist
    ;; FIXME: Fill this table, ideally semi-automatically.
    '(("GHC.Base.return" . "Control.Monad.return")
      ("GHC.List" . "Data.List")))

  (defun inferior-haskell-map-internal-ghc-ident (ident)
    "Try to translate some internal GHC identifier to its alter ego in
haskell docs."


Carlo Hamalainen

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