[Haskell-cafe] how to factorize propagation of a function over a data type

Vo Minh Thu noteed at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 13:47:33 UTC 2013

You can replace your `propagate` function by this one:

    propagate :: Bar -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Bar
    propagate v f = case v of
        Bar1 i     -> Bar1 (f i)
        Exp1 b1 b2 -> Exp1 (propagate b1 f) (propagate b2 f)
        Exp2 b1 b2 -> Exp2 (propagate b1 f) (propagate b2 f)

In your code, you were applying the same (w.r.t. to its type) `f` to
Bar and Integer.

Also, your Bar data type contains, at its leaf, an Intger, not a `a`.

You might want to look at functors, and `fmap` too.

2013/12/2 TP <paratribulations at free.fr>:
> Hi,
> Let us consider the following example:
> -----------------------
> class FooClass a where
>     foo1 :: a -> a
>     foo2 :: a -> a
> instance FooClass Integer where
>     foo1 v = 1
>     foo2 v = 2
> data Bar = Bar1 Integer
>          | Exp1 Bar Bar
>          | Exp2 Bar Bar
>     deriving Show
> instance FooClass Bar where
>     foo1 b = case b of
>         Bar1 i     -> Bar1 (foo1 i)
>         Exp1 b1 b2 -> Exp1 (foo1 b1) (foo1 b2)
>         Exp2 b1 b2 -> Exp2 (foo1 b1) (foo1 b2)
>     foo2 b = case b of
>         Bar1 i     -> Bar1 (foo2 i)
>         Exp1 b1 b2 -> Exp1 (foo2 b1) (foo2 b2)
>         Exp2 b1 b2 -> Exp2 (foo2 b1) (foo2 b2)
> main = do
> let a = Bar1 3
> let b = Bar1 4
> let c = Exp1 (Exp2 a b) b
> print c
> print $ foo1 c
> print $ foo2 c
> -----------------------
> We obtain as expected:
> $ runghc propagate_with_duplicated_code.hs
> Exp1 (Exp2 (Bar1 3) (Bar1 4)) (Bar1 4)
> Exp1 (Exp2 (Bar1 1) (Bar1 1)) (Bar1 1)
> Exp1 (Exp2 (Bar1 2) (Bar1 2)) (Bar1 2)
> My question is related to the code inside the Fooclass instance definition
> for Bar: we have repeated code where only "foo1" or "foo2" changes.
> So the first idea is to write a higher-order function, but it does not work:
> -----------------------
> class FooClass a where
>     foo1 :: a -> a
>     foo2 :: a -> a
> instance FooClass Integer where
>     foo1 v = 1
>     foo2 v = 2
> data Bar = Bar1 Integer
>          | Exp1 Bar Bar
>          | Exp2 Bar Bar
>     deriving Show
> propagate :: FooClass a => a -> (a->a) -> a
> propagate v f = case v of
>         Bar1 i     -> Bar1 (f i)
>         Exp1 b1 b2 -> Exp1 (f b1) (f b2)
>         Exp2 b1 b2 -> Exp2 (f b1) (f b2)
> instance FooClass Bar where
>     foo1 b = propagate b foo1
>     foo2 b = propagate b foo2
> main = do
> let a = Bar1 3
> let b = Bar1 4
> let c = Exp1 (Exp2 a b) b
> print c
> print $ foo1 c
> print $ foo2 c
> -----------------------
> The problem is that the type variable `a` in the definition of `propagate`
> cannot match both the type of i, i.e. an integer, and the type of b1 and b2,
> i.e. Bar.
> Putting the function propagate in the typeclass does not help. How to
> factorize my code?
> Thanks in advance,
> TP
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