[Haskell-cafe] Haddock multiple definitions

jabolopes at google.com jabolopes at google.com
Thu Aug 15 21:24:23 CEST 2013


I am using

  GHC: 6.12.1
  Haddock: 2.6.0

and the following does not work with Haddock (GHC is fine!):

  -- Main

  -- | Blah blah blah
  (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3)

$ haddock ...
/tmp/Main.hs:2:0: parse error on input `('

Is this a bug? Or it's just not part of Haddock?

This seems like an interesting feature to document several definitions
together, for example, error codes:

-- | Syscall error codes for blah...
-- errA when blah
-- ...
(errA, errB, errC) = ...


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