[Haskell-cafe] translate imperative pseudo code into haskell

Joerg Fritsch fritsch at joerg.cc
Fri Aug 9 17:04:16 CEST 2013

I would need some help to get to a reasonable function involving the DB
read, addition and multiplication.


for 0 <= i < row dimension of A

         for 0 <= j < column dimension of B

            for 0 <= k < column dimension of A = row dimension of B

               sum += (read A (i,k))* (read B(k,j))



I started like this but then somehow lost the compass:


main = do

           map my.read (map (\(x,y) -> "matrixA:" ++ show row ++ ":" ++ show
column) [ (i, j, k) | i <- [1..50], j <- [1..20], k <- [1..30] ]) 


Can you pls help?





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