[Haskell-cafe] Yampa integral function

felipe zapata tifonzafel at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 00:36:12 CEST 2013

I'm trying to write some simulator of
physical systems using Yampa.
The fundamental idea is to integrate
the position and velocity, using
the following algorithm:

1. get the velocity using the formula,

v = v0 + integral ( 0.5 * force * recip mass)

where v0 is the previous velocity.

2. calculate the new position as follows,

x = x0 + integral (v)

and some other steps that are not relevant here.
Therefore I wrote the following piece of

type Pos   = Double
type Vel   = Double
type Mass  = Double
type Force = Double

integralCoordSF :: Force -> Mass ->  SF (Pos,Vel) (Pos,Vel)
integralCoordSF  force mass = proc (x0,v0) -> do
                                 v <- integralVelSF force mass -< v0
                                 vdt2 <- integral -< v
                                 let x = x0 + vdt2
                                 returnA -< (x,v)

integralVelSF :: Force -> Mass ->  SF Double Double
integralVelSF force mass = proc v0 -> do
                             t1 <- integral -< 0.5 * (force/mass)
                             returnA -< v0 + t1

Now, let's the speed (velocity), force and the mass equal 1.0.  And
the initial potion equal zero. Then using the "embed" function we get that,

*Main>  embed (integralCoordSF  1.0 1.0)

According to the algorithm, if  dt = 0.1 then

v = 1.0 + integral (0.5 * 1.0 * recip 1.0) = 1.05

in agreement with the algorithm.  But let's see about the position

x = 0 + integral (v)

Using the formula of step 2, the position should be equal to 0.105,
but the result given by embed is 0.1.

As a beginner certainly and missing a lot of concepts and details,
can someone please explain me what's going on here?

Thank you for your help!

Felipe Z
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