[Haskell-cafe] [Snap] Argument Substitution in Heist Templates with Splices

Sebastian Fischer mail at sebfisch.de
Sun Sep 23 10:45:21 CEST 2012

Thanks! For the record, here is how to achieve what I want by
explicitly using `runChildren` and `stopRecursion`:

testSplice :: Splice IO
testSplice = do
    input <- getParamNode
    kids <- runChildren
    return [input { elementChildren = kids }]

It surprises me that an explicit call to `runChildren` is necessary,
especially after your comment regarding sensitivity to evaulation

Your linked post shows that Heist splices are processed top down,
which reminds me of the `transform` combinator in Uniplate:


The authors discuss bottom-up and top-down transformations in Sections
2.3 and 2.4 and argue for providing bottom-up transformations and only
a specific form of top-down transformations.

I think Heist's splice processing would be more intuitive (less
sensitive to evaluation order?) if applied bottom up rather than top
down. This only seems to require a slight change in the definition of
`runNode` from the post you linked - to process children before
applying the splice:

runNode :: Monad m => X.Node -> Splice m
runNode (X.Element nm at ch) = do
    newAtts <- mapM attSubst at
    newKids <- runNodeList ch  -- added this line
    let n = X.Element nm newAtts newKids -- changed this line
    s <- liftM (lookupSplice nm) getTS
    maybe n (recurseSplice n) s  -- changed this line
  -- removed local function `runKids`
runNode n                    = return [n]

This change would simplify the definition of filter splices which
would not need to call `runChildren` explicitly. It would also make
the definition of substitution splices more uniform, because children
would be already processed when applying the splice - just like
attributes are.

Are Heist splices processed top down intentionally? (Reasons for doing
so are the same reasons people might have for preferring call-by-name
over call-by-value. However, I tend to agree with the discussion in
the Uniplate paper and would prefer "call-by-value" aka bottom-up


On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 6:03 PM, MightyByte <mightybyte at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is one of the more subtle corner cases of Heist.  My default, splices
> are recursively processed.  So when testSplice is executed for the <test>
> tag, the results are fed back into splice processing.  I think this is the
> right thing to do because it makes behavior less sensitive to evaluation
> order.  Obviously this can lead to infinite recursion, so Heist limits the
> splice call stack to a depth of 50.  If this limit is exceeded, then Heist
> simply stops recursing and returns the nodes unprocessed.  I also think this
> is the right thing to do because it is happening as we're serving a page to
> the end user, so there's an argument for failing quietly instead of going up
> in a ball of flames.
> In your case, you are returning the same node that was spliced in, so you
> are hitting the recursion limit and splice processing just stops.  I discuss
> this issue in my blog post about splice subtleties
> (http://softwaresimply.blogspot.com/2011/04/splice-subtleties.html).  Since
> you're writing a filter splice, you need to call stopRecursion.  But if you
> do that, then the child <arg /> tag won't be processed.  So what you need to
> do is use the runChildren function to process the child nodes, then return
> them in whatever your constructed node is.
> I think the easiest solution to your problem is to not write it as a filter
> splice.  Bind your testSplice function to the <mytest> tag and return a
> <test> tag.  This avoids the infinite recursion and will work the way you
> want without needing stopRecursion.
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Sebastian Fischer <mail at sebfisch.de> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> the following program demonstrates that arguments in Heist templates
>> are sometimes not substituted in presence of splices:
>> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
>> import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as BS
>> import           Data.Functor             ((<$>))
>> import           Data.Maybe               (fromJust)
>> import           Text.Templating.Heist
>> -- just return input node unchanged
>> testSplice :: Splice IO
>> testSplice = (:[]) <$> getParamNode
>> main = do
>>     writeFile "test.tpl" "<arg /><test attr='${arg}'><arg /></test>"
>>     state <- either error id <$> loadTemplates "." defaultHeistState
>>     (builder,_) <- fromJust <$> renderWithArgs [("arg","42")] state "test"
>>     BS.putStrLn $ toByteString builder
>>     -- 42<test attr='42'>42</test>
>>     let state' = bindSplices [("test",testSplice)] state
>>     (builder',_) <- fromJust <$> renderWithArgs [("arg","42")] state'
>> "test"
>>     BS.putStrLn $ toByteString builder'
>>     -- 42<test attr='42'><arg></arg></test>
>> Without using splices, all occurrences of 'arg' in the template are
>> substituted. When using a splice, 'arg' is not substituted underneath
>> the input node of the splice. It is substituted in an attribute of the
>> input node.
>> Is this intentional? How can I ensure substitution also underneath the
>> input node?
>> Best,
>> Sebastian
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