[Haskell-cafe] An easy way to represent and modify graphs?
Takayuki Muranushi
muranushi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 16:19:09 CEST 2012
tl;dr: I would like to apply genetic algorithm to directed acyclic
graphs that represents arithmetic operations.
Thank you for hosts, speakers and all participants in ICFP2012. I had
chance to make a lot of questions (c.f. [prize.jpg]) and receive lots of
stimulating ideas.
I have been working on automated parallel code generation and
automated tuning for hydrodynamics
http://iopscience.iop.org/1749-4699/5/1/015003 ; one of my next target
is model acquisition in robotics:
; both deal with computations represented in forms of directed acyclic
graphs c.f. [graph-1.png] [graph-2.png]. We would like to describe
them easily in Haskell, but also to mutate (add random changes) and
crossover (create a new graph by mixing other two graphs.) In my
previous work, I used Monad to generate graphs and used the Functional
Graph Library to explicitly modify the graphs. Now I have learned that
there are more elegant methods to describe the computations with
sharing. But are those method also enables easy editing of the graphs?
That's my question.
In [data-reify.hs] I tried Observed Sharing by Gill09. Apparently,
sharing is lost once we try to modify the graph.
$ runhaskell data-reify.hs
let [(1,GraphMul 2 2),(2,GraphAdd 3 3),(3,GraphMul 4 5),(5,GraphVar
"X"),(4,GraphVal 40)] in 1
let [(1,GraphMul 2 9),(9,GraphAdd 10 13),(13,GraphMul 14
15),(15,GraphVar "X"),...,(5,GraphVar "X"),(4,GraphVal 42)] in 1
In [GenericMain.hs] I tried PHOAS by Oliveria & Cook 2012.
$ runhaskell GenericMain.hs
Mu (
a => Fork "Add"(Fork "Sub"(b) (Empty)) (c)
b => Fork "Mul"(c) (c)
c => Fork "40"(Empty) (Empty)
d => Fork "X"(Empty) (Empty)
Mu (
a => Fork "Add"(Fork "Sub"(b) (Empty)) (c)
b => Fork "Mul"(c) (c)
c => Fork "42"(Empty) (Empty)
d => Fork "X"(Empty) (Empty)
This time, I can modify a node without loosing the sharing. How about
edges? Can you write operations such as "Choose one of the edges that
point to (c) and make it point to (d)" ?
Is there any good methods to describe and modify structures that has
sharing (if it helps, I don't need loops.)? Or, after all is the best way
explicit manipulation of the graph structure? Both information are
helpful to me.
Thanks in advance,
The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University
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