[Haskell-cafe] List indexer
Edgar Klerks
edgar.klerks at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 10:24:07 CEST 2012
I find it useful. I benchmarked it with criterion and your test file (see
below) and it is a *lot* faster:
warming up
estimating clock resolution...
mean is 3.776987 us (160001 iterations)
found 887 outliers among 159999 samples (0.6%)
662 (0.4%) high severe
estimating cost of a clock call...
mean is 1.404134 us (27 iterations)
found 5 outliers among 27 samples (18.5%)
1 (3.7%) low mild
1 (3.7%) high mild
3 (11.1%) high severe
benchmarking randAccess IndexList
mean: 2.614148 ms, lb 2.603860 ms, ub 2.642045 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 79.90122 us, lb 33.73238 us, ub 165.6168 us, ci 0.950
found 13 outliers among 100 samples (13.0%)
12 (12.0%) high severe
variance introduced by outliers: 25.781%
variance is moderately inflated by outliers
benchmarking randAccess list
mean: 42.62869 ms, lb 42.38446 ms, ub 43.48986 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 2.088308 ms, lb 598.3515 us, ub 4.751391 ms, ci 0.950
found 3 outliers among 100 samples (3.0%)
2 (2.0%) high severe
variance introduced by outliers: 47.437%
variance is moderately inflated by outliers
benchmarking seqAccess IndexList
mean: 6.347177 ms, lb 6.325560 ms, ub 6.369031 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 111.3361 us, lb 102.5431 us, ub 123.4909 us, ci 0.950
variance introduced by outliers: 10.386%
variance is moderately inflated by outliers
benchmarking seqAccess list
collecting 100 samples, 1 iterations each, in estimated 207.9468 s
mean: 1.919024 s, lb 1.916933 s, ub 1.927423 s, ci 0.950
std dev: 19.69444 ms, lb 1.966086 ms, ub 46.74818 ms, ci 0.950
Maybe an elevator list is a nice name?
module Main where
import Criterion.Main
import System.Random
-- | Type of index wrapping an underlying list
data LI a = LI Int [LInode a]
data LInode a = LiNonLeaf (LInode a) (LInode a) | LiLeaf (LInode a) [a]
-- | Constructs index from specified list and fanout
fromList :: [a] -> Int -> LI a
fromList l fo =
let topLevel = mkTopLevelNode l
mkTopLevelNode l = LiLeaf (mkTopLevelNode (drop fo l)) l
mkLevel plv = let lv = mkMidLevelNode plv
in lv : mkLevel lv
mkMidLevelNode l = LiNonLeaf (mkMidLevelNode (nodeDrop fo l)) l
in LI fo (topLevel : mkLevel topLevel)
-- drop i nodes from a linear node stream
nodeDrop :: Int -> LInode a -> LInode a
nodeDrop 0 n = n
nodeDrop i n = let i' = i - 1
in case n of
LiNonLeaf n' _ -> nodeDrop i' n'
LiLeaf n' _ -> nodeDrop i' n'
-- | access specified element of underlying list using index to speed access
(!) :: LI a -> Int -> a
(!) (LI fo ns) i =
let getLevel k (n : ns) = let (q,r) = k `quotRem` fo
l = if q == 0
then n
else parent $ getLevel q ns
in nodeDrop r l
parent (LiNonLeaf _ p) = p
(q, r) = i `quotRem` fo
(LiLeaf _ l) = getLevel q ns
in l !! r
a = [1 :: Int ..]
b = fromList a 4
testSequential hi = [(!) b n | n <- [1,3..hi :: Int]]
testSequentialList hi = [a!!n | n <- [1,3..hi :: Int]]
randAccess hi =
let seed = 12345813
g = mkStdGen seed
lst = [1,3..hi]
lst' = fromList lst 32
nIter = 1000
randR _ 0 = []
randR g n = let (a,g') = randomR (0, hi `div` 2 - 1) g
n' = n - 1
--in (lst!!a) : randR g' n'
in (lst'!a) : randR g' n'
in sum $ randR g nIter
-- main = putStrLn $ show $ randAccess
randAccessList hi =
let seed = 12345813
g = mkStdGen seed
lst = [1,3..hi]
nIter = 1000
randR _ 0 = []
randR g n = let (a,g') = randomR (0, hi `div` 2 - 1) g
n' = n - 1
in (lst!!a) : randR g' n'
in sum $ randR g nIter
main = let hi = 50000 in defaultMain [ bench "randAccess IndexList" (nf
(randAccess) hi),
bench "randAccess list" (nf (randAccessList) hi),
bench "seqAccess IndexList" (nf (testSequential) hi),
bench "seqAccess list" (nf (testSequentialList) hi)
On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Alex Stangl <alex at stangl.us> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a small "wrapper" to speed random-access to a list. The
> usage scenario I have in mind is a "stream" computation yielding an
> infinite list, and I want to randomly access elements w/o having to
> traverse the entire list from the beginning for each access.
> I suspected something similar must already exist, but nothing I looked
> at seemed to do the trick. IntMap seems to want a finite input list.
> Ditto for the various array types, except possibly dynamic array.
> Attached is the list indexer I came up with, and a small test program
> (I swap the commented-out lines to switch btw. list & list index tests).
> I am interested to hear any feedback on this -- whether it duplicates
> something that already exists, or whether there's a better approach, and
> comments on the code, etc. Also if somebody can suggest a better name
> (so as not to overlay the word index too much.) I'll publish it on
> hackage (or at least github) if people think it's useful. It sped up
> the program I initally wrote it for enormously.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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