[Haskell-cafe] type variable in class instance
Sean Leather
leather at cs.uu.nl
Tue Sep 11 20:09:26 CEST 2012
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 6:46 PM, David Menendez wrote:
> Mixing GADTs and Typeable seems like a bad idea. If you really don't
> want to put viewEvent in the Event typeclass, but the class of events
> is closed, you could use a GADT to witness the event type.
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Corentin Dupont wrote:
> unfortunately it seems that I will be obliged to maintain 2 parallel
> structures:
> for each Event instance, I will have to add a ViewEvent element as well
> carrying the same information:
That's why I like the all-GADT solution...
Inspired by David's suggestion, here's another version without Typeable. In
Corentin's version, the switching back and forth between explicit and
forgetful typing bothered me. This version never forgets types. Also,
viewEvent is really an instance of Show, as I would expect. I don't see the
extra maintenance burden mentioned by Corentin.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs #-}
data Player = Arrive | Leave deriving Show
newtype Message t = Message String deriving (Eq, Show)
data Type :: * -> * where
Int :: Type (Message Int)
String :: Type (Message String)
Player :: Type Player
data TEq :: * -> * -> * where
Refl :: TEq a a
teq :: Type a -> Type b -> Maybe (TEq a b)
teq Int Int = Just Refl
teq String String = Just Refl
teq Player Player = Just Refl
teq _ _ = Nothing
type family Data t :: *
type instance Data (Message t) = t
type instance Data Player = Int
data Event t = Event (Type t) t
data Handler where
Handler :: Event t -> (Data t -> IO ()) -> Handler
runHandler :: Eq t => Event t -> Data t -> Handler -> IO ()
runHandler (Event t e) d (Handler (Event u e') f) =
case teq t u of
Just Refl | e == e' -> f d
_ -> return ()
runHandlers :: Eq t => Event t -> Data t -> [Handler] -> IO ()
runHandlers e d hs = mapM_ (runHandler e d) hs
-- Replacement for viewEvent
instance Show (Event t) where
show (Event ty e) =
case ty of
Int -> show e ++ " of type Int"
String -> show e ++ " of type String"
Player -> "Player " ++ show e
messageEvent :: Type (Message t) -> String -> Event (Message t)
messageEvent t s = Event t (Message s)
playerEvent :: Player -> Event Player
playerEvent = Event Player
-- Tests
event1 = messageEvent Int "give me a number" -- No type signature
handler1 = Handler event1 (\n -> putStrLn $ "Your number is: " ++ show n)
test1 = runHandlers event1 1 [handler1] -- Yields "Your number is: 1"
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