[Haskell-cafe] performance issues with popCount
Harald Bögeholz
bo at ct.de
Thu Sep 6 18:46:14 CEST 2012
Dear Haskell Cafe,
I am struggling with the performance of the popCount function from
To be more precise: I downloaded the Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0 from
http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/ (64 bit, Mac OS X). In this version
I found the popCount function to be broken. If I look in the online
documentation at
it is already fixed, but included with my Haskell Platform was the
broken version.
Anyway, I tried this version
popCount :: Integer -> Int
popCount = go 0
go c 0 = c
go c w = go (c+1) (w .&. (w - 1))
and profiling showed that my program spent 80 % of its time counting bits.
So I thought I'm clever and implement a table-based version like this:
popCount' :: Integer -> Int
popCount' = go 0
go c 0 = c
go c w = go (c+1) (w .&. (w - 1))
popCountN = 10
popCountMask :: Integer
popCountMask = shift 1 popCountN - 1
popCountTable :: Array Integer Int
popCountTable = listArray (0, popCountMask) $ map popCount' [0 ..
popCount :: Integer -> Int
popCount 0 = 0
popCount x = popCountTable ! (x .&. popCountMask) + popCount (x `shiftR`
turns out this is even slower ... now my program spends 90 % of its time
counting bits :-(.
Any hints?
Harald Bögeholz <bo at ct.de> (PGP key available from servers)
Redaktion c't Tel.: +49 511 5352-300 Fax: +49 511 5352-417
int f[9814],b,c=9814,g,i;long a=1e4,d,e,h;
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