[Haskell-cafe] I killed performance of my code with Eval and Strategies
Janek S.
fremenzone at poczta.onet.pl
Thu Nov 15 13:01:14 CET 2012
> Do you really mean to calculate the 'sin . sqrt' of just the head of the list, or do you mean:
> calculateSeq = map (sin . sqrt) ?
Argh.. of course not! That's what you get when you code in the middle of a night. But in my code I
will not be able to use map because elements will be processed in pairs, so let's say that my
sequential function looks like this:
calculateSeq :: [Double] -> [Double]
calculateSeq [] = []
calculateSeq [x] = [sin . sqrt $ x]
calculateSeq (x:y:xs) = (sin . sqrt $ x) : (cos . sqrt $ y) : calculateSeq xs
> I don't think there's a memory leak. It looks more like you're just
> allocating much more than is sane for such a simple function.
> On a recent processor, sin . sqrt is two instructions. Meanwhile, you have
> a list of (boxed?) integers being split up, then recombined. That's bound
> to hurt the GC.
I am not entirely convinced that my idea of using eval+strategies is bound to be slow, because
there are functions like parListChunk that do exactly this: split the list into chunks, process
them in parallel and then concatenate the result. Functions in Control.Parallel.Strategies were
designed to deal with list so I assume it is possible to process lists in parallel without GC
problems. However I do not see a way to apply these functions in my setting where elements of
lists are processed in pairs, not one at a time (parList and parMap will not do). Also, working
on a list of tuples will not do.
> Also, you might want to configure criterion to GC between
> runs. That might help.
The -g flag passed to criterion executable does that.
> What I'd suggest doing instead, is breaking the input into chucks of, say,
> 1024, and representing it with a [Vector]. Then, run your sin.sqrt's on
> each vector in parallel. Finally, use Data.Vector.concat to combine your
> result.
As stated in my post scriptum I am aware of that solution :) Here I'm trying to figure what am I
doing wrong with Eval.
> Hope that helps,
> - Clark
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Janek S. <fremenzone at poczta.onet.pl> wrote:
> > Dear Haskellers,
> >
> > I am reading Simon Marlow's tutorial on parallelism and I have problems
> > with correctly using Eval
> > monad and Strategies. I *thought* I understand them but after writing
> > some code it turns out that
> > obviously I don't because parallelized code is about 20 times slower.
> > Here's a short example
> > (code + criterion benchmarks):
> >
> > {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
> > module Main where
> >
> > import Control.Parallel.Strategies
> > import Criterion.Main
> >
> > main :: IO ()
> > main = defaultMain [
> > bench "Seq" $ nf calculateSeq xs
> > , bench "Par" $ nf calculatePar xs ]
> > where xs = [1..16384]
> >
> > calculateSeq :: [Double] -> [Double]
> > calculateSeq [] = []
> > calculateSeq (x:xs) = (sin . sqrt $ x) : xs
> >
> > calculatePar :: [Double] -> [Double]
> > calculatePar xss = runEval $ go xss
> > where
> > go :: Strategy [Double]
> > go [] = return []
> > go xs = do
> > lsh <- (rpar `dot` rdeepseq) $ calculateSeq as
> > lst <- go bs
> > return (lsh ++ lst)
> > where
> > !(as, bs) = splitAt 8192 xs
> >
> > Compiling and running with:
> >
> > ghc -O2 -Wall -threaded -rtsopts -fforce-recomp -eventlog evalleak.hs
> > ./evalleak -oreport.html -g +RTS -N2 -ls -s
> >
> > I get:
> >
> > benchmarking Seq
> > mean: 100.5990 us, lb 100.1937 us, ub 101.1521 us, ci 0.950
> > std dev: 2.395003 us, lb 1.860923 us, ub 3.169562 us, ci 0.950
> >
> > benchmarking Par
> > mean: 2.233127 ms, lb 2.169669 ms, ub 2.296155 ms, ci 0.950
> > std dev: 323.5201 us, lb 310.2844 us, ub 344.8252 us, ci 0.950
> >
> > That's a hopeless result. Looking at the spark allocation everything
> > looks fine:
> >
> > SPARKS: 202 (202 converted, 0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled)
> >
> > But analyzing eventlog with ThreadScope I see that parallel function
> > spends most of the time doing
> > garbage collection, which suggests that I have a memory leak somewhere. I
> > suspected that problem
> > might be caused by appending two lists together in the parallel
> > implementation, but replacing
> > this with difference lists doesn't help. Changing granularity (e.g.
> > splitAt 512) also brings no
> > improvement. Can anyone point me to what am I doing wrong?
> >
> > Janek
> >
> > PS. This is of course not a real world code - I know that I'd be better
> > of using unboxed data
> > structures for doing computations on Doubles.
> >
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