[Haskell-cafe] How to handle exceptions in conduit?

Michael Snoyman michael at snoyman.com
Thu Nov 1 13:23:44 CET 2012

Due to various technical reasons regarding the nature of conduit, you can't
currently catch exceptions within the Pipe monad. You have two options:

* Catch exceptions before `lift`ing.
* Catch exceptions thrown from the entire Pipe.

Since the exceptions are always originating in the underlying monad, the
first choice is certainly possible in theory, though may require reworking
the library you're using a bit.

One other possibility that I haven't actually tried would be to use
transPipe[1] to catch all of the exceptions, though I'm not sure how well
that would work in practice.

If people have ideas on how to improve the exception handling facilities of
conduit, please let me know.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Hiromi ISHII <konn.jinro at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, there
> I'm writing a program communicating with external process, which can be
> sometimes fail, using conduit and process-conduit package.
> Consider the following example, which reads paths from the config file,
> and passes their contents to external process, and output the results:
> ```exc.hs
> module Main where
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
> import           Data.Conduit
> import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary   as BC
> import qualified Data.Conduit.List     as LC
> import           Data.Conduit.Process
> main :: IO ()
> main = runResourceT $
>   BC.sourceFile "paths.dat" $$ BC.lines =$= myConduit =$= LC.mapM_
> (unsafeLiftIO . BS.putStrLn)
> myConduit :: MonadResource m => Conduit BS.ByteString m BS.ByteString
> myConduit = awaitForever $ \path ->
>   BC.sourceFile (BS.unpack path) =$= conduitCmd "./sometimes-fail"
> ```
> ```sometimes-fail.hs
> module Main where
> import System.Random
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   b <- randomRIO (1,10 :: Int)
>   if b < 9 then interact id else error "error!"
> ```
> ```paths.dat
> txt/a.dat
> txt/b.dat
> txt/c.dat
> ...bra, bra, bra...
> ```
> As you can see, `sometimes-fail` is a simple echoing program, but
> sometimes fail at random.
> Successful result is below:
> ```
> $ ./exc
> this is a!
> this is b!
> this is c!
> this was d!
> this was e!
> and this is f.
> ```
> but if `sometimes-fail` fails in some place, `exc` exits with exception
> like below:
> ```
> $ ./exc
> this is a!
> this is b!
> this is c!
> sometimes-fail: error!
> ```
> But I want to write the program acts like below:
> ```
> $ ./exc
> this is a!
> this is b!
> this is c!
> sometimes-fail: error!
> this was e!
> and this is f.
> ```
> that is, ignore the exception and continue to process remaining streams.
> So, the question is: how to handle the exception in `myConduit` and
> proceed to remaining works?
> In `conduit` package, `Pipe` type is not an instance of `MonadBaseControl
> IO` so it cannot handle exceptions within it.
> I think this is necessary to make `ResourceT` release resources correctly.
> So, how to write the Conduit that ignores some kind of exceptions and
> proceed to remaining works?
> One sometimes want to ignore the invalid input and/or output and just
> continue to process the remaining stream.
> One solution is that libraries using conduit provide "failure-ignore"
> version for all the `Pipe`s included in the library, but I think it is too
> heavy solution. It is ideal that `conduit` can package provides combinator
> that makes exsiting `Pipe`s "failure-ignore".
> -- Hiromi ISHII
> konn.jinro at gmail.com
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