[Haskell-cafe] Need inputs for a Haskell awareness presentation

C K Kashyap ckkashyap at gmail.com
Thu May 31 20:23:19 CEST 2012

Hi folks,

I have the opportunity to make a presentation to folks (developers and
managers) in my organization about Haskell - and why it's important - and
why it's the only way forward. I request you to share your
experiences/suggestions for the following -
1. Any thoughts around the outline of the presentation - target audience
being seasoned imperative programmers who love and live at the pinnacle of
 object oriented bliss.
2. Handling questions/comments like these in witty/interesting ways -
    a) It looks good and mathematical but practically, what can we do with
it, all our stuff is in C++
    b) Wow, what do you mean you cannot reason about its space complexity?
    c) Where's my inheritance?
    d) Debugging looks like a nightmare - we cannot even put a print in the
    e) Static types - in this day and age - come on - productivity in X is
so much more - and that's because they got rid of type mess.
    f)  Is there anything "serious/large" written in it? [GHC will not
qualify as a good answer I feel]
    g) Oh FP, as in Lisp, oh, that's AI stuff right ... we don't really do
    h) Any other questions/comments that you may have heard.
3. Ideas about interesting problems that can be used so that it appeals to
people. I mean, while fibonacci etc look good but showing those examples
tend to send the signal that it's good for "those kind" of problems.
4. Is talking about or referring to Lambda calculus a good idea - I mean,
showing that using its ultra simple constructs one could build up things
like if/then etc

I'm gonna do my bit to wear the limestone!!!

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