[Haskell-cafe] What is the difference between runhaskell and compile?

Chris Dornan chris at chrisdornan.com
Tue May 29 16:54:25 CEST 2012

On 29 May 2012 02:21, Magicloud Magiclouds
<magicloud.magiclouds at gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting. I have this code tested in Debian unstable/stable, CentOS
> 6.1, all 64 bit, with two different version of libldap2.
> At first, Debian-s were installed with 7.4.1, CentOS with 7.2.2. Only
> in CentOS the code connected after compiled.
> Then I removed 7.4.1 from Debian stable and installed 7.2.2. The code worked.
> At last, I installed 7.4.1 in CentOS. The code did not work.
> Could you send the .hi/.o to me, so maybe I could find out the
> different? Also the exact original source.
> Thank you.

Interesting indeed! I am guessing that you are using the GHC-7.4.1
bindist from haskell.org.

I will try and find some time to marshal the source code and
intermediate files (am on the road --
will need to collect it from base, make it generic etc.).

You might also like to try the http://justhub.org ghc-7.4.1-hub on
your CentOS-6.1 node. It is a
separate build from the haskell.org bindist and comes with it's own
in-board gcc (4.6.1) and binutils (2.21)
used for the build. It should work for you.

(You could also try ghc-7.4.2-RC1-hub.)


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