[Haskell-cafe] Fundeps and overlapping instances
anthony_clayden at clear.net.nz
Tue May 29 02:08:53 CEST 2012
Gábor Lehel <illissius <at> gmail.com> writes:
> If you're referring to the NewAxioms work Simon linked to ... [snip]
> ... It seems vaguely similar to a paper on instance chains[2]
> I saw once.
Thanks Gábor for the reference, but I don't think they're very comparable.
The instance chains is in context of fundeps and overlaps (as you'd expect
from MPJ, since it was him who first introduced fundeps). I know fundeps
are 'theoretically' equivalent to type families. But I think the instance
chains paper is a good demonstration of why I find fundeps so awkward to
follow at the superficial syntax level for type-level programming:
- you have to look first to the end of the instance to find the head;
- and assume (hope!) that the 'result' is the rightmost typevar;
- then backtrack through the list of constraints;
- some are only validation limits on the instance;
- some are calculating intermediate results (again with their result at right).
Instance chains include:
- not only resolving overlaps (yes, that's similar to NewAxioms);
- but also choosing instances based on type class membership;
(often asked for by newbies, but really difficult to implement)
- and explicit failure leading to backtracking search
(Explicit failure is missing from NewAxioms. I don't mean backtracking, but at
least treating certain conditions as no instance match. Oleg's HList work
needs that (for example in the Lacks constraint), but has to fudge it by
putting a fake instance with a fake constraint.)
Does the overall instance chain structure guarantee termination of type
inference? I don't follow the algebra enough to be sure.
Morris & Jones' examples seem to me contrived: they've set up overlapping
instances where you could avoid them, and even where they seem harder to
follow. Yes, their solution is simpler than the problem they start with; but
no, the problem didn't need to be that complex in the first case. (I'm looking
especially at the GCD/Subt/Lte example -- I think I could get that to work in
Hugs with fundeps and no overlaps.)
I'm surprised there isn't a Monad Transformer example: [3] by MPJ uses
overlaps for MonadT. And MonadT was (I thought) what gave all the trouble with
overlaps and default instances and silently changing behaviour. (There's a
brief example in Morris' supporting survey - ref [11] in [2].)
Anybody out there can explain further?
> [2] http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?
[3] Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism
Mark P. Jones, 1995
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