[Haskell-cafe] vector operations
Jake McArthur
jake.mcarthur at gmail.com
Wed May 23 14:13:09 CEST 2012
Have you already verified that stream fusion won't just do this for you?
On May 23, 2012 12:35 AM, "Evan Laforge" <qdunkan at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I wanted to find the first index in a vector whose running sum is
> greater than a given number.
> The straightforward way is to create the running sum and then search:
> Vector.findIndex (>=target) (Vector.scanl' (+) 0 vector)
> But vectors are strict so it could do extra work, and what if I don't
> want to generate garbage? I could do it with a fold, but it would
> have to have the ability to abort early. Of course I could write such
> a fold myself using indexing:
> import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Vector
> fold_abort :: (Vector.Vector v a) => (accum -> a -> Maybe accum) -> accum
> -> v a -> accum
> fold_abort f accum vec = go 0 accum
> where go i accum = maybe accum (go (i+1)) $ f accum =<< vec Vector.!? i
> find_before :: (Vector.Vector v a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> v a -> Int
> find_before n = fst . fold_abort go (0, 0)
> where
> go (i, total) a
> | total + a >= n = Nothing
> | otherwise = Just (i+1, total+a)
> So it's bigger and clunkier, but I would think it would be much more
> efficient (provided using Data.Vector.Generic won't inhibit inlining
> and unboxing). But I'm a bit surprised there isn't already something
> like fold_abort... or is there?
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