[Haskell-cafe] hackage & hackage accounts

Dmitry Malikov malikov.d.y at gmail.com
Tue May 15 21:11:05 CEST 2012

Good day.

Recently, in irc://#haskell you can see very often replicas of people, 
who are tired of waiting their hackage accounts.
After next release of any package from hackagebot, some depressed people 
definitely comes out and starts telling to everybody how hard life is 
without having hackage account.

11:15 * hackagebot shakespeare - A toolkit for making 
compile-time interpolated templates  
http://hackage.haskell.org/package/shakespeare- (MichaelSnoyman)
11:15 <|> I'm still waiting for my Hackage account...
15:12 * hackagebot hspec-discover 0.0.0 - Automatically discover and run 
Hspec tests  http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hspec-discover-0.0.0 
15:13 <|> Still haven't got my hackage account

And so on and so on.

Yes, you can tolerate, that a lot of people considered in the order of 
things for asking lambdabot in public window every day, every hour.
Yes, you can tolerate, that every five minutes some another notification 
from hackagebot will be be appeared, or maybe two or even three in a time.
But how can you tolerate, that adding to all that stuff there is a 
permanent disturbances from the people, who can't submit their packages 
to hackage because they have no hackage account (frankly speaking, I'm 
also do not have one, but I've send 5 letters to Ross)?

Previously, #haskell's log was really like something readable and 
interesting. But now it's a robot-like speeches with 2 bots, minimal 
slightly mixed with something really meaningfull.

This raises some questions:
1) Did anyone successfully get their hackage account in last 2 months? 
Because it's really strange to see some "still don't have my hackage 
account"-message and another Ross answer in HC.
2) You should give hackage account for all of ther requiring people or 
remove hackagebot from #haskell.
3) Could I finally have my hackage account in the amount of all others, 

Dmitry Malikov

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