[Haskell-cafe] [Q] multiparam class undecidable types - how to get this example to typecheck?
Matthias Fischmann
fis at etc-network.de
Wed May 9 05:57:46 CEST 2012
Hi everybody,
I am torturing the ghc type inference extensions, and I think i
managed to break something, either in ghc or (more likely) in my
| {-# language FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #-}
| module Main
| where
| class Table table cell where
| toLists :: table -> [[cell]]
| fromLists :: [[cell]] -> table
| instance Table [[cell]] cell where
| toLists = id
| fromLists = id
| -- why i am using a class (not relevant for my question) -
| -- data FastTable a = FastTable ...
| -- instance Table (FastTable a) a where ...
| instance (Table a c, Show c) => Show a where
| showsPrec p t = showParen (p > 10) $ showString "fromLists " . shows (toLists t)
ghc 7.0.3 sais:
| Overlapping instances for Show [[cell0]]
| arising from a use of `shows'
| Matching instances:
| instance Show a => Show [a] -- Defined in GHC.Show
| instance (Table a c, Show c) => Show a
| -- Defined at /home/mf/tmp/z.hs:18:10-38
| In the second argument of `(.)', namely `shows (toLists t)'
I would have thought that there is on overlap: the instance in my code
above defines how to show a table if the cell is showable; the
(allegedly) overlapping instance defines how to show lists of alpha if
alpha is showable.
So I was expecting the reduction to go something like:
. table ~> [[cell]] (via whichever instance of class Table applies)
. [[cell]] ~> [cell] (via instance "Show a => Show [a]")
. [cell] ~> cell (via instance "Show a => Show [a]")
But it gets worse. I decided to ignore the problem for now and be
happy with at least showing the first cell in the upper left corner of
the table:
| instance (Table a c, Show c) => Show a where
| showsPrec p t = showParen (p > 10) $ showString "fromLists " . shows (head . head $ toLists t)
to that, ghc 7.0.3 sais:
| /home/mf/tmp/z.hs:19:66:
| Context reduction stack overflow; size = 21
| Use -fcontext-stack=N to increase stack size to N
| $dShow :: Show c19
| $dShow :: Show c18
| [...]
shouldn't type inference be able to determine that
| ((head . head $ toLists t) :: c
and use the instance guaranteed by the instance declaration's class
constraint (Show c)?
I suspect that there should be a type annotation that would make this
approach possible, but even then I am curious what this behavior
Should I upgrade to a more grown-up release of ghc?
Any hints or pointers appreciated. (:
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