[Haskell-cafe] Fixed point newtype confusion

wren ng thornton wren at freegeek.org
Mon May 7 01:04:21 CEST 2012

On 5/6/12 8:59 AM, Sebastien Zany wrote:
> Hi,
> Suppose I have the following types:
>> data Expr expr = Lit Nat | Add (expr, expr)
>> newtype Fix f = Fix {unFix :: f (Fix f)}
> I can construct a sample term:
>> term :: Expr (Expr (Expr expr))
>> term = Add (Lit 1, Add (Lit 2, Lit 3))
> But isn't quite what I need. What I really need is:
>> term' :: Fix Expr
>> term' = Fix . Add $ (Fix . Lit $ 1, Fix . Add $ (Fix . Lit $ 2, Fix . Lit
> $ 3))
> I feel like there's a stupidly simple way to automatically produce term'
> from term, but I'm not seeing it.

There's the smart constructors approach to building term' in the first 
place, but if someone else is giving you the term and you need to 
convert it, then you'll need to use a catamorphism (or similar).

That is, we already have:

     Fix :: Expr (Fix Expr) -> Fix Expr

but we need to plumb this down through multiple layers:

     fmap Fix :: Expr (Expr (Fix Expr)) -> Expr (Fix Expr)

     fmap (fmap Fix) :: Expr (Expr (Expr (Fix Expr)))
                     -> Expr (Expr (Fix Expr))


If you don't know how many times the incoming term has been unFixed, 
then you'll need a type class to abstract over the n in fmap^n Fix. How 
exactly you want to do that will depend on the application, how general 
it should be, etc. The problem, of course, is that we don't have functor 
composition for free in Haskell. Francesco's suggestion is probably the 

     instance Functor Expr where
         fmap _ (Lit i)     = Lit i
         fmap f (Add e1 e2) = Add (f e1) (f e2)

     class FixExpr e where
         fix :: e -> Fix Expr

     instance FixExpr (Fix Expr) where
         fix = id

     instance FixExpr e => FixExpr (Expr e) where
         fix = Fix . fmap fix

Note that the general form of catamorphisms is:

     cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
     cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . unFix

so we're just defining fix = cata Fix, but using induction on the type 
term itself (via type classes) rather than doing induction on the value 
term like we usually would.

Live well,

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