[Haskell-cafe] Issues with installing packages

Albert Y. C. Lai trebla at vex.net
Sun May 6 23:01:23 CEST 2012

On 12-05-05 04:19 PM, Graham Berks wrote:
> New to haskell and having issues resolving packages, have the following
> output below and can't seem to resolve it.
> Text seems to have diff hash dependancies when I try and instal a diff
> version of etc
> Any ideas on what todo ??
> Thanks
> $ ghc-pkg check
> There are problems in package scion-browser-0.2.8:
> dependency "text-" doesn't exist

See my
for the significance of the hash value and more ways to break things.

My article mostly doesn't say how to fix things (partly because there 
are many factors: problem details, self-inflicted constraints aka 
personal preferences). But knowing how GHC packages work may help you 
devise your tailored solution.

Well, I suppose there is always the sledgehammer of erasing everything: 
erase $HOME/.ghc, erase GHC. (Again, see my article for why erasing 
$HOME/.cabal solves absolutely no problem.)

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