[Haskell-cafe] Monad with limited backtracking
Darryn Reid
djreid at aapt.net.au
Thu Jul 12 10:37:40 CEST 2012
Kind Sirs/Madams,
Thanks in advance for your patience; the solution will no doubt be obvious to
those with greater experience than me. I have formulated a monad to provide
limited backtracking for implementing a rewrite system. The success case works
fine, but my intention is that on failure the result should contain the list of
input symbols consumed up to the failure, and it is this part that I would
like some advice about. Code follows:
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace
newtype Rewrite a b = Rewrite { run :: Input a -> Result a b }
data Input a = Input [a]
data Result a b = Fail [a] | Ok b [a]
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance (Show a) => Monad (Rewrite a) where
return y = Rewrite $ \(Input xs) -> Ok y xs
p >>= f = Rewrite $ \inp ->
case run p inp of
Fail xs -> trace ("1.xs=" ++ show xs) $
Fail xs
Ok y xs -> case run (f y) (Input xs) of
Fail xs' -> trace ("2.xs=" ++ show xs) $
Fail xs
okay -> okay
instance (Show a) => MonadPlus (Rewrite a) where
mzero = Rewrite $ \inp -> Fail []
p `mplus` q = Rewrite $ \inp -> case run p inp of
Fail _ -> run q inp
okay -> okay
(>>=?) ::(Show a) => Rewrite a b -> (b -> Bool) -> Rewrite a b
p >>=? f = p >>= \y -> guard (f y) >> return y
next :: Rewrite a a
next = Rewrite $ \(Input xs) -> case xs of
[] -> Fail []
(x:xs') -> Ok x xs'
exactly :: (Show a, Eq a) => [a] -> Rewrite a [a]
exactly = mapM $ \i -> next >>=? (==i)
For example, using ghci:
*Main> run (exactly [1,2]) (Input [1,2,3,4])
Ok [1,2] [3,4]
which is what I intend. However, while the thing correctly reports failure, I
cannot get it to return the list of symbols up to the point of failure:
*Main> run (exactly [1,2,3]) (Input [1,2,7,4])
Fail [2,7,4] *I would like Fail [1,2] here instead*
I thank you in advance for any guidance you might offer.
Dr Darryn J Reid.
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