[Haskell-cafe] Connecting Travis CI and hackage

Dmitry Malikov malikov.d.y at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 13:21:43 CEST 2012

*tldr*: is there a way to upload package to hackage from Travis 
automatically and safely (hiding password to hackage account)?

Several days ago I discovered Travis ( http://travis-ci.org/ ) - nice 
open source build-service, easy to start and monitoring.
I've configured some github projects and add build status to it's 
readme. It's usable to know how is your haskell package building on 
separate fresh machine.

Following git-flow developing model there is a develop branch for 
snapshots and master branch for release. That why every commit in master 
branch should produce new release build ⇒ every commit in master branch 
should produce new hackage build upload. And also it will be nice to 
have that routine process done automatically.

It could be done using cabal-upload tool and --username and --password 
options. But it means that .travis.yml file should contain my 
hackage-password explicitly.
How can I avoid that?

Best regards,
dmitry malikov

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