[Haskell-cafe] combining predicates, noob question

Sebastián Krynski skrynski at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 19:11:54 CEST 2012

As I was using predicates (a -> bool) , it appeared the need for combining
them with a boolean operator (bool -> bool -> bool)  in order to get a new
combining the previous two. So I wrote my function combinerPred (see code
below). While I think this is JUST ok, i'm feeling a monad in the air.
 So.. where is the monad?

combinerPred ::  (a -> Bool)  -> (a -> Bool) -> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) ->
 (a -> Bool)
combinerPred pred1 pred2 op = \x -> op (pred1 x) (pred2 x)

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