[Haskell-cafe] ANN: bytestring-lexing 0.3.0

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+hs at mega-nerd.com
Sun Jan 29 07:34:36 CET 2012

wren ng thornton wrote:

> * The readDecimal function in particular has been highly optimized. The 
> new version is wicked fast[1] and perfectly suitable for hot code 
> locations like parsing headers for HTTP servers like Warp. In addition, 
> attention has been paid to ensuring that parsing is efficient for larger 
> than native types like Int64 on 32-bit systems (including 64-bit OS X), 
> as well as Integer. The optimization of this function was done in 
> collaboration with Erik de Castro Lopo, Vincent Hanquez, and Christoph 
> Breitkopf following a blog post by Erik[2] and ensuing discussion on 
> Reddit[3]

Thanks Wren. I'm pretty sure that Warp will swap over to use your new
readDecimal function.

Erik de Castro Lopo

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