[Haskell-cafe] How to make asynchronous I/O composable and safe?
Joey Adams
joeyadams3.14159 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 06:24:58 CET 2012
I'm not happy with asynchronous I/O in Haskell. It's hard to reason
about, and doesn't compose well. At least in my code.
I'm currently trying to build a networking layer for my application
using Network.TLS. Here is a rather minimalist API:
newtype Connection = Connection (TLSCtx Handle)
connectClient :: Handle -- ^ Connection handle, as returned
by 'connectTo'
-> X509 -- ^ TLS certificate (i.e. public key)
-> IO Connection
connectServer :: Handle -- ^ Connection handle, as returned
by 'accept'
-> X509 -- ^ TLS certificate (i.e. public key)
-> TLS.PrivateKey -- ^ TLS private key
-> IO Connection
close :: Connection -> IO ()
sendMessage :: Connection -> Message -> IO ()
recvMessage :: Connection -> ByteString -> IO (Message, ByteString)
The module provides little more than connection initialization and
message serialization. I don't try to use locks or STM to multiplex
the connection or, in the case of recvMessage, hide connection state.
I just be sure to only use sendMessage in one thread at a time, only
use recvMessage in one thread at a time, and marshal the "extra bytes"
parameter of recvMessage from call to call (with the help of StateT).
I wrote a simple "chat server" to test it. The client turned out okay:
main :: IO ()
main = do
cert <- getCertificate
handle <- connectTo "localhost" (PortNumber 1337)
conn <- connectClient handle cert
_ <- forkIO $ forever $ do
s <- getLine
sendMessage conn $ TestMessage s
forever $ flip runStateT B.empty $ do
msg <- StateT $ recvMessage conn
case msg of
TestMessage s ->
liftIO $ putStrLn s
_ ->
liftIO $ hPrintf stderr
"Warning: unrecognized message from server: %s\n"
(messageTypeName msg)
The only glaring problem is that, if the user presses Ctrl+D, the
forked (sending) thread dies, but the main (receiving) thread lingers.
I'd have to add exception handlers to ensure that when one thread
dies, the other thread dies too.
However, the server is an abomination (see attachment).
Unfortunately, it's not as simple as "spawn one thread per client".
We need at least two threads, one to listen for messages from the
client, and another to send messages to the client. GHC won't let us
simultaneously, in the same thread, wait for input from a connection
and wait for an STM transaction to succeed.
Another source of complexity is: what if we throw an exception at a
thread while it is in the middle of sending a packet? Then we can't
shut down the connection properly (i.e. Network.TLS.bye), because the
receiver might think the close_notify packet is part of the
interrupted packet.
Having a thread for each client is good, as it:
* Lets us think about each client separately. No need to turn our
code inside out or write one big loop that juggles all the clients.
* Isolates exceptions. If sendMessage or recvMessage throws an
exception, it doesn't bring the whole server down.
On the other hand, having multiple threads interact with a single
client is hard to think about:
* We have to synchronize the threads (e.g. when one dies, kill the other one)
* Multiple places where an exception can arise
* Can multiple threads interact with the connection handle simultaneously?
So why don't I make my connection API handle some of this? Well, I
tried. There are so many ways to do it, and I couldn't find a way
that simplified usage much. The approach used by Handle and by
Network.TLS is to use MVars and IORefs to ensure that, if two threads
access the same connection, the connection doesn't become totally
corrupt. If I do the same, then I'll have *three* layers of locking
under the hood.
Worse, the locking done by Handle and Network.TLS doesn't guarantee
much. I don't know if it's safe to have one thread sending and
another thread receiving. Especially in the case of Network.TLS,
where 'recvData' automatically handshakes in some cases, which sends
packets. Since I don't know how much thread safety to expect, I can't
write networking code and know for sure that it is safe.
I'm certainly not protected from interleaved data if multiple threads
send on the same handle. For example:
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
_ <- forkIO $ putStrLn "One sentence."
putStrLn "Another sentence."
AnOonteh esre nsteenntceen.c
That is, I can't rely on putStrLn being "atomic". To produce
intelligible output (without changing the buffering mode), I have to
"lock" the output each time I write something. putStrLn doesn't do it
for me.
=== Summary ===
In Haskell, sound logic and a great type system lead to elegant,
composable code in a variety of domains, such as:
* Expression evaluation
* Parsing
* Concurrent programming (thanks to STM)
Asynchronous I/O is tricky. However, Haskell currently does little to
alleviate the complexity (at least for me).
How can we structure network protocol APIs so that they stack well
(e.g. only lock once, rather than locking each layer's connection
state)? How can we deal with I/O errors without having to think about
them at every turn?
For now, how can I structure my application's communication API so
it's less messy to use?
- Joey
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