[Haskell-cafe] buildDepends syntax and checks

Rogan Creswick creswick at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 02:30:27 CET 2012

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 2:29 AM, Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan at gmail.com> wrote:
> #2 Is there a way to cross-check if the defined dependencies are in
> fact correct, or is it left to the package owner to write them?

Generally speaking, this is undecidable (if I remember my complexity
classes correctly...).  The semantics of a function may change between
versions without altering any aspect of the API. (eg: imagine succ x
= x + 2 changing to succ x = x + 1 during a bug fix).

Someone did write a tool that checks a library against the package
version policy, though (based on changes to the API, exposed
functions, etc.).  I can't recall the name, but someone else on here


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