[Haskell-cafe] Solved but strange error in type inference

Yves Parès limestrael at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 11:03:35 CET 2012

Perhaps you should give us the error the compiler give you.

data LegGram nt t s = Ord nt => LegGram (M.Map nt [RRule nt t s])
will become invalid. Currently, such class constraints are ignored.

You should remove the 'Ord nt' constraint and add it to you legSome
function. (Maybe that's a track to solve your problem...)

You have also another solution: make your LegGram type available *for
all*Ord nt (with GADTs or ExistentialQuantification), thus making you
unable to
know which type 'nt' exactly is:

data LegGram t s = forall nt. Ord nt => LegGram (M.Map nt [RRule nt t s])
data LegGram t s where
    LegGram :: Ord nt => M.Map nt [RRule nt t s] -> LegGram t s
should be both valid. I tend to prefer the latter (the use of a GADT), as
it makes you declare and handle your type constructor just like any
But I don't know if it fits you requirements.

2012/1/3 AUGER Cédric <sedrikov at gmail.com>

> Hi all, I am an Haskell newbie; can someone explain me why there is
> no reported error in @legSome@ but there is one in @legSomeb@
> (I used leksah as an IDE, and my compiler is:
> $ ghc -v
> Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 7.2.1, stage 2 booted by GHC version
> 6.12.3 )
> What I do not understand is that the only difference was a typing
> anotation to help the type inference, but I believed that this
> annotation was already given by the signature I give, so I am quite
> lost.
> Thanks in advance!
> ======================================================================
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -XScopedTypeVariables #-}
> -- why isn't this option always enabled...
> import Data.Word
> import qualified Data.Map as M
> import qualified Data.Set as S
> data Symbols nt t = NT nt -- ^ non terminal
>                  | T t  -- ^ terminal
>  deriving (Eq, Ord)
> type Sem s = [s]->s
> data Rule nt t s = Rule { refined :: nt
>                        , expression :: [Symbols nt t]
>                        , emit :: Sem s
>                        }
> type RRule nt t s = ([Symbols nt t], Sem s)
> data LegGram nt t s = Ord nt => LegGram (M.Map nt [RRule nt t s])
> legSome :: LegGram nt t s -> nt -> Either String ([t], s)
> --         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> --            isn't this redundant?
> --                    vvvvvvvvvvvvvv
> legSome ((LegGram g)::LegGram nt t s) ntV =
>   case M.lookup ntV g of
>     Nothing -> Left "No word accepted!"
>     Just l -> let sg = legSome (LegGram (M.delete ntV g))
>                   subsome :: [RRule nt t s] -> Either String ([t], s)
>                   subsome [] = Left "No word accepted!"
>                   subsome ((r,sem):l) =
>                     let makeWord [] = Right ([],[])
>                         makeWord ((NT nnt):ll) =
>                           do (m, ss) <- sg nnt
>                              (mm, sss) <- makeWord ll
>                              return (m++mm, ss:sss)
>                         makeWord ((T tt):ll) =
>                           do (mm, sss) <- makeWord ll
>                              return (tt:mm, sss)
>                      in
>                    case makeWord r of
>                      Right (ll, mm) -> Right (ll, sem mm)
>                      Left err -> subsome l
>               in subsome l
> legSomeb :: LegGram nt t s -> nt -> Either String ([t], s)
> -- but without it I have an error reported
> legSomeb (LegGram g) ntV =
>   case M.lookup ntV g of
>     Nothing -> Left "No word accepted!"
>     Just l -> let sg = legSomeb (LegGram (M.delete ntV g))
>                   subsome :: [RRule nt t s] -> Either String ([t], s)
>                   subsome [] = Left "No word accepted!"
>                   subsome ((r,sem):l) =
>                     let makeWord [] = Right ([],[])
>                         makeWord ((NT nnt):ll) =
>                           do (m, ss) <- sg nnt
>                              (mm, sss) <- makeWord ll
>                              return (m++mm, ss:sss)
>                         makeWord ((T tt):ll) =
>                           do (mm, sss) <- makeWord ll
>                              return (tt:mm, sss)
>                      in
>                    case makeWord r of
>                      Right (ll, mm) -> Right (ll, sem mm)
>                      Left err -> subsome l
>               in subsome l
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