[Haskell-cafe] how to add monad-stack to network-conduit

Alexander V Vershilov alexander.vershilov at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 16:10:16 CET 2012


I have got next problem: I want to have database connection pool
in server based on network-conduit. 
So I wanted to be able to do

> runTCPServer options action 
>   where 
>     action src snk = 
>       pool <- ask
>       ....

In this situation I can make pool `action's parameter, but in more
difficult situations (many methods inside) is would be painfull.

Also I wanted to have some kind of State for each thread, e.g.

> action src snk = src $= act1 $= act2 $= act3 $$ snk

in act1, act2, act3 I want to read and change state.

Is it possible? And how to do it if it is?

Alexander Vershilov
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