[Haskell-cafe] Documentation operator

Michael Sloan mgsloan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 04:20:02 CET 2012

I also like this idea a lot!  Here're a couple more benefits:

1) This makes it possible to generate documentation from TH - quite handy
for things like lens generation / Yesod-like DSLs.

2) The annotation can aid automatically determining how an API has changed.
I have a WIP tool[1] that tries to generate a module signature file that's
amenable to line-based-diffing.  Having these type annotations could really
aid such diffs in being informative.

3) This would interact very well with holes in type signatures (not
currently part of GHC holes, IIRC).  Not only could you document the holes,
but you can also get docs-for-free from the "neat composition trick".

There would definitely need to be GHC support - wouldn't want these
appearing in type errors!



On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Clark Gaebel <cgaebel at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

> I love the idea, but it seems like it's a bit too early in Haskell's life
> to implement it. Not everyone's on GHC 7.6.1+.
>   - Clark
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Iavor Diatchki <iavor.diatchki at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think that this is a neat idea that should be explored more!   GHC's
>> parser has a bunch of awkward duplication to handle attaching documentation
>> to types, and it'd be cool if we could replace it with an actual language
>> construct.
>> Happy holidays!
>> -Iavor
>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Christopher Done <chrisdone at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello chums,
>>> I've been playing around with an idea, something that has obvious pros
>>> and cons, but I'll sell it to you because there might be some positive
>>> ideas out of it. Consider the following operator:
>>>     {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
>>>     module Docs where
>>>     import GHC.TypeLits
>>>     type a ? (sym :: Symbol) = a
>>> First I'll describe how I'd want to use this and then what I think
>>> are the advantages and disadvantages.
>>> I call this (?) operator “the documentation operator”, to be used for:
>>> * Things that either don't belong or can't be encoded in the type
>>>   system, or for things need to be in English.
>>> * Things that cannot be encoded in Haddock.
>>> The simple case of ye olde days:
>>>     -- | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Suspendisse lacinia nibh et
>>>     --   leo. Aenean auctor aliquam dapibus.
>>>     loremIpsum :: Int -> Int -> String
>>> Which has since been somewhat evolved into:
>>>     loremIpsum :: Int    -- ^ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
>>>                -> Int    -- ^ Suspendisse lacinia nibh et leo.
>>>                -> String -- ^ Aenean auctor aliquam dapibus.
>>> But could now be written:
>>>     loremIpsum :: Int    ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
>>>                -> Int    ? "Suspendisse lacinia nibh et leo."
>>>                -> String ? "Aenean auctor aliquam dapibus."
>>> Here is a contrived case I'll use later on:
>>>     data Person = Person
>>>     describeAge :: Int ? "an age" -> String ? "description of their
>>> elderliness"
>>>     describeAge n = undefined
>>>     personAge :: Person ? "a person" -> Int ? "their age"
>>>     personAge = undefined
>>> One could also encode previously informal specifications more formally,
>>> so that
>>>     -- | The action 'hFlush' @hdl@ causes any items buffered for output
>>>     -- in handle @hdl@ to be sent immediately to the operating system.
>>>     --
>>>     -- This operation may fail with:
>>>     --
>>>     --  * 'isFullError' if the device is full;
>>>     --
>>>     --  * 'isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
>>> exceeded.
>>>     --    It is unspecified whether the characters in the buffer are
>>> discarded
>>>     --    or retained under these circumstances.
>>>     hFlush :: Handle -> IO ()
>>>     hFlush handle = wantWritableHandle "hFlush" handle flushWriteBuffer
>>> with
>>> type Throws ex (docs :: Symbol) = docs
>>> could now be written
>>>     hFlush :: Handle ? "flush buffered items for output on this handle"
>>> -> IO ()
>>>       ? Throws IsFullError "if the device is full"
>>>       ? Throws IsPermissionError
>>>                "if a system resource limit would be exceeded. It is \
>>>                \unspecified whether the characters in the  buffer are \
>>>                \discarded or retained under these circumstances."
>>>     hFlush handle = wantWritableHandle "hFlush" handle flushWriteBuffer
>>> With this in place, in GHCi you get documentation "lookup" for free:
>>>     > :t hFlush
>>>     hFlush
>>>       :: (Handle ? "flush buffered items for output on this handle")
>>>          -> (IO () ? Throws IsFullError "if the device is full")
>>>             ? Throws
>>>                 IsPermissionError
>>>                 "if a system resource limit would be exceeded. It is
>>> unspecified
>>>                  whether the characters in the  buffer are discarded or
>>> retained
>>>                  under these circumstances."
>>> And you get function composition, or “documentation composition” for
>>> free:
>>>     > :t describeAge . personAge
>>>     describeAge . personAge
>>>       :: (Person ? "a person")
>>>          -> String ? "description of their elderliness"
>>> We could have a :td command to print it with docs, and otherwise docs
>>> could be stripped out trivially by removing the ? annotations:
>>>     > :t describeAge . personAge
>>>     describeAge . personAge
>>>       :: Person -> String
>>>     > :td describeAge . personAge
>>>     describeAge . personAge
>>>       :: (Person ? "a person")
>>>          -> String ? "description of their elderliness"
>>> You could even add clever printing of such “documentation types”:
>>>     > :t hFlush
>>>     hFlush
>>>       :: Handle — flush buffered items for output on this handle
>>>       -> IO ()
>>>     Throws IsFullError if the device is full"
>>>     Throws IsPermissionError if a system resource limit would be
>>>       exceeded. It is unspecified whether the characters in the buffer
>>>       are discarded or retained under these circumstances."
>>> Unfortunately it doesn't work with monadic composition, of course.
>>> So here are the advantages:
>>> * You get parsing for free (and anyone using haskell-src-exts).
>>> * You get checking for free (i.e. GHC can check that IsFullError exists
>>>   for you).
>>> * You get a continuity of documentation through your operations
>>>   including composition.
>>> * You can extend the "documentation language" easily by just defining
>>>   some types (like the Throws I used above). SeeMore, Author,
>>>   Deprecated, etc. Whatever.
>>> * You can print out some helpful looking documentation in GHCi based on
>>>   these simple types.
>>> * There's no longer this informal "it might throw this exception" kind
>>>   of pros we're forced to write.
>>> * It could also be used for annotations other than pure documentation,
>>>   including testing. E.g. add a Testable "property" and then your test
>>>   framework can search for functions with this Testable annotation.
>>> * Free of Haddock's syntax.
>>>  Here are the disadvantages:
>>> * It doesn't work for types.
>>> * Writing big pros inside a string can be boring without a decent
>>>   editor.
>>> * The neat composition trick only goes so far.
>>> * There might be a compilation overhead.
>>> * It would require an updated GHCi to strip them out when not wanted.
>>> * Requires GHC 7.6.1+.
>>> Conclusions:
>>> What we have now for documentation is pretty good, especially generated
>>> documentation. Compared to other languages Haskell is quite well
>>> documented, I feel. But we can do more with it. In some languages,
>>> documentation is built into the language. You can ask for documentation
>>> inside the REPL, it belongs to that piece of code. It shouldn't, I don't
>>> think, be left as a code comment which is essentially whitespace as far
>>> as the compiler is concerned.
>>> Two sweet ideas that I like from the above are:
>>> * The checking by GHC.
>>> * The extension of the "documentation language", with the ability to
>>>   formalize things like what exceptions are thrown.
>>> * Composing functions generates "new" documentation that still makes
>>>   sense.
>>> Thoughts?
>>>  Ciao!
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