[Haskell-cafe] Type error when trying to adapt http-proxy to new conduit

Pieter Laeremans pieter at laeremans.org
Thu Dec 27 00:22:35 CET 2012


The http-proxy package isn't  compatible any longer with the latest
conduit. Since it is open source, I thought, I might as well try to adapt
it and submit a patch.

However I run into some difficulties.

For example I get this type error when I'm trying to compile it :

    Couldn't match expected type `ResourceT
                                    IO (CIN.Pipe () () ByteString ()
(ResourceT IO) ())'
                with actual type `IO
                                    (CIN.Pipe () () ByteString ()
(ResourceT IO) ())'

I can't figure it out. To me it reads like : Expected x, actual x.

Anyone has a clue?



Pieter Laeremans <pieter at laeremans.org>

"The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet."  W. Gibson
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