[Haskell-cafe] How to fold on types?
oleg at okmij.org
oleg at okmij.org
Tue Dec 25 14:41:29 CET 2012
Magiclouds asked how to build values of data types with many
components from a list of components. For example, suppose we have
data D3 = D3 Int Int Int deriving Show
v3 = [1::Int,2,3]
How can we build the value D3 1 2 3 using the list v3 as the source
for D3's fields? We can't use (foldl ($) D3 values) since the type
changes throughout the iteration: D3 and D3 1 have different type.
The enclosed code shows the solution. It defines the function fcurry
such that
t1 = fcurry D3 v3
-- D3 1 2 3
gives the expected result (D3 1 2 3).
The code is the instance of the general folding over heterogeneous
lists, search for HFoldr in
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, PolyKinds, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- `Folding' over the data type: creating values of data types
-- with many components from a list of components
-- UndecidableInstances is a bit surprising since everything is decidable,
-- but GHC can't see it.
-- Extensions DataKinds, PolyKinds aren't strictly needed, but
-- they make the code a bit nicer. If we already have them,
-- why suffer avoiding them.
module P where
-- The example from MagicCloud's message
data D3 = D3 Int Int Int deriving Show
v3 = [1::Int,2,3]
type family IsArrow a :: Bool
type instance IsArrow (a->b) = True
type instance IsArrow D3 = False
-- add more instances as needed for other non-arrow types
data Proxy a = Proxy
class FarCurry a r t where
fcurry :: (a->t) -> [a] -> r
instance ((IsArrow t) ~ f, FarCurry' f a r t) => FarCurry a r t where
fcurry = fcurry' (Proxy::Proxy f)
class FarCurry' f a r t where
fcurry' :: Proxy f -> (a->t) -> [a] -> r
instance r ~ r' => FarCurry' False a r' r where
fcurry' _ cons (x:_) = cons x
instance FarCurry a r t => FarCurry' True a r (a->t) where
fcurry' _ cons (x:t) = fcurry (cons x) t
-- Example
t1 = fcurry D3 v3
-- D3 1 2 3
-- Let's add another data type
data D4 = D4 Int Int Int Int deriving Show
type instance IsArrow D4 = False
t2 = fcurry D4 [1::Int,2,3,4]
-- D4 1 2 3 4
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