[Haskell-cafe] Substituting values

Jason Dusek jason.dusek at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 16:12:52 CET 2012

2012/12/21 Radical <radical at google.com>:
> Sometimes I'll need something like:
>   if value == Foo then Bar else value
> Or some syntactic variation thereof:
>   case value of { Foo -> Bar; _ -> value }
> Is there a better/shorter way to do it? I'm surprised that it's more
> complicated to substitute a value on its own than e.g. in a list, using
> filter. Or perhaps I'm missing the right abstraction?

Haskell doesn't offer a compact "ternary operator" or similar
construct. In some cases, a local definition and pattern guards
is appealing:

  {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

  f value = ... value' ...
   where value' | Foo <- value = Bar
                | otherwise    = value

This does not really have the intuitive of appeal that a
"pattern matching ternary operator" might, though:

  f value = ... (Foo <- value ? Bar : value) ...

In Haskell, working with patterns generally is cleaner with
multiple lines and full indentation.

Jason Dusek
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