[Haskell-cafe] containers license issue

Clark Gaebel cgaebel at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Dec 17 19:47:14 CET 2012

So I heard back from softwarefreedom.org, and they're looking for a
representative from haskell.org to talk to them, as they want to avoid
conflict-of-interests with other clients.

Does anyone with any "official status" want to talk to real lawyers about
this issue, then let the list know of anything interesting that was said?
Let me know.

  - Clark

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Mike Meyer <mwm at mired.org> wrote:

> Ketil Malde <ketil at malde.org> wrote:
> >In particular when copyright is concerned, I believe that verbatim
> >copying in many cases will require a license to the original work, but
> >merly examining the original work to make use of algorithms, tricks,
> >and
> >structures from it will not.
> If you don't actually copy any of the text in the latter case, that would
> be correct. But there's an incredible amount of grey between those two
> extremes of black and white, and it's possible that you've unintentionally
> recreated significant bits of the original.
> The Oracle/Google lawsuit was all about those shades of grey - some of the
> API's in Dalvik were implemented by people who had read the Java sources.
> Oracle claimed as much as possible was derivative, Google that none of it
> was. The judge ruled that some uses were infringing and some uses were not.
> This was a technically literate judge - he ruled that one of the cases was
> non-infringing because he could trivially implement the function in Java
> himself.
> The lawyer who pointed out the possible infringement here isn't really
> worried about losing such a lawsuit - there are lots of ways to deal with
> that short of actually releasing any sources they consider proprietary.
> They want to avoid the lawsuit *at all*, as that will almost certainly be
> more expensive than losing it. At least, that's what I hear from clients
> who ask me not to include GPL'ed software.
>    <mike
> --
> Sent from my Android tablet with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my swyping.
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