[Haskell-cafe] Is it possible to have constant-space JSON decoding?
oleg at okmij.org
oleg at okmij.org
Sat Dec 15 16:02:01 CET 2012
Johan Tibell posed an interesting problem of incremental XML parsing
while still detecting and reporting ill-formedness errors.
> What you can't have (I think) is a function:
> decode :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Maybe a
> and constant-memory parsing at the same time. The return type here
> says that we will return Nothing if parsing fails. We can only do so
> after looking at the whole input (otherwise how would we know if it's
> malformed).
The problem is very common: suppose we receive an XML document over a
network (e.g., in an HTTP stream). Network connections are inherently
unreliable and can be dropped at any time (e.g., because someone
tripped over a power cord). The XML document therefore can come
truncated, for example, missing the end tag for the root
element. According to the XML Recommendations, such document is
ill-formed, and hence does not have an Infoset (In contrast, invalid
but well-formed documents do have the Infoset). Strictly speaking, we
should not be processing an XML document until we verified that it is
well-formed, that is, until we parsed it at all and have checked that
all end tags are in place. It seems we can't do the incremental XML
processing in principle.
I should mention first that sometimes people avoid such a strict
interpretation. If we process telemetry data encoded in XML, we may
consider a document meaningful even if the root end tag is missing. We
process as far as we can.
Even if we take the strict interpretation, it is still possible
to handle a document incrementally so long as the processing is
functional or the side effects can be backed out (e.g., in a
transaction). This message illustrates exactly such an incremental
processing that always detects ill-formed XML, and, optionally,
invalid XML. It is possible after all to detect ill-formedness
errors and process the document without loading it all in memory
first -- using as little memory as needed to hold the state of the
processor -- just a short string in our example.
Our running example is an XML document representing a finite map:
a collection of key-value pairs where key is an integer:
The above document is both ill-formed (missing the end tag)
and invalid (one key is bad: non-read-able). We would like to write
a lookup function for a key in such an encoded map. We should report
an ill-formedness error always. The reporting of validation
errors may vary. The function
xml_lookup :: Monad m => Key -> Iteratee Char m (Maybe Value)
xml_lookup key = id .| xml_enum default_handlers .| xml_normalize
.| kv_enum (lkup key)
always reports the validation errors. The function is built
by composition from smaller, separately developed and tested
pipeline components: parsing of a
document to the XMLStream, normalization, converting the XMLStream to
a stream of (Key,Value) pairs and finally searching the stream.
A similar function that replaces kv_enum with kv_enum_pterm
terminates the (Key,Value) conversion as soon as its client iteratee
finished. In that case if the lookup succeeds before we encounter the bad
key, no error is reported. Ill-formedness errors are raised always.
The code
shows the examples of both methods of validation error reporting.
This code also illustrates the library of parsing combinators, which
represent the element structure (`DTD').
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