[Haskell-cafe] JSON library suggestions?

Richard O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Thu Apr 26 04:42:29 CEST 2012

On 25/04/2012, at 9:51 AM, Alvaro Gutierrez wrote:
> For that reason, most standard (fixed size/binary) numeric types like double are a poor choice to contain numeric values specified in JSON; in particular, the mismatch means that conversion can be lossy in both directions.

Note that the conversion *IS* lossy in practice.
If you send a JSON message to a Javascript program,
or a Python program, or a Go program (if I am reading src/pkg/encoding/json/decode.go
correctly) what you get will be a 64-bit float.
The Jackson parser for Java uses Double for numbers with a '.' or 'e' by default,
although it can be configured to use BigDecimal.

If you want numbers outside the domain of finite 64-bit floats to travel
unscathed through JSON, then you must control not only which languages are
used at each end, but which versions of which libraries and how configured.

I argued the other end of this in the mailing list for another language,
saying that I wanted things that look like integers to be decoded as integers,
and was stepped on hard.  Some people found their programs much simpler if
they always got the same kind of Number whatever the input looked like (in
Jackson, a Number might be returned as an instance of any of five classes).

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