[Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell vs Rewrite Rules?

Ismael Figueroa Palet ifigueroap at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 14:40:05 CEST 2012

Hi Michael!

Thanks (again) for your answer.
I'm not quite confident using TH yet, but it seems in your code you must
define an 'app' function, and then use [overloadedApp|... |] as a
quasiquoteator to inject the overloaded app, right?

Thanks for the zeroth reference too, one question remains for me: what are
the constrasts/differences between TH and RewriteRules? :-)

2012/4/19 Michael Sloan <mgsloan at gmail.com>

> You're in luck!  This is something I've wanted to implement before in
> the past, and your email reminded me.  While pretty awful, it could be
> used for doing some interesting value-interception instrumentation in
> Haskell.  Recently I've been messing with TH a lot, so this initial
> implementation was rather straightforward.
> https://github.com/mgsloan/overload-app/blob/master/src/Language/Haskell/TH/OverloadApp.hs
> Usage:
> https://github.com/mgsloan/overload-app/blob/master/examples/Example1.hs
> Note: Relatively untested implementation, let me know if you find any
> problems!
> It only does this transformation to direct function application,
> unfortunately.  In order to properly overload apply for infix
> operators, you'll need to be able to resolve fixities at compile time.
>  This could be done by using the code in
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/haskell-prime/wiki/FixityResolution
> and using the fixity information yielded by TH's "reify".  Someone
> aught to have done this before, but I haven't seen it.
> Handling the applications involved in do-notation, comprehensions,
> enumerations, and anything else that's such direct syntax sugar would
> also be a bit of work (but could be very useful for other TH
> quasiquoting stuff!).
> You might also be interested in this:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/zeroth-2009.6.23.3
> Hope that helps!
> -Michael Sloan
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 9:49 AM, Ismael Figueroa Palet
> <ifigueroap at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm working on getting annotated versions of all instances of a function
> of
> > a typeclass, and was wondering what are the relation/differences between
> > Template Haskell and the Rewrite Rules section. Of course this is
> specific
> > to GHC.
> >
> > Another question, in Racket, primitive function application is denoted
> > #%app. And using macros I can re-export #%app to be a different function
> f,
> > so a program:
> >
> > (g a) is rewritten into (f g a)
> >
> > is there a way to do the same thing using TH or Rewrite Rules?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > --
> > Ismael
> >
> >
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