[Haskell-cafe] Is type class 'Addressable' already exists.
Michael Sloan
mgsloan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 09:37:38 CEST 2012
Yes, classes of that variety exist in a few packages. This is a
particularly good treatment of it:
Here are some classes from a very WIP implementation of a few
"Commutative Replicated Data Types":
"Function" is identical to your addressable, without (#). There're
also classes for "Update"-able, "Zero"-able, and "Size"-able things.
Zero has a strange definition because CRDT sets need to communicate
what has been deleted, clearing a set results in a value that is not
the same as "zero". I suppose that "clear" aught to be in a separate
-Michael Sloan
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:47 PM, 陈文龙 <qzchenwl at gmail.com> wrote:
> To get element in List,Map... in python's way.
> Python:
>> strMap["apple"]
> Haskell:
>> strMap # "apple"
> https://gist.github.com/2364395
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
> module Addressable where
> import qualified Data.Map as M
> import Prelude
> class Addressable a where
> type Key a
> type Value a
> (#!) :: a -> Key a -> Value a
> (#) :: a -> Key a -> Maybe (Value a)
> instance Addressable [a] where
> type Key [a] = Int
> type Value [a] = a
> (#!) = (!!)
> xs # i | i < 0 = Nothing
> [] # _ = Nothing
> (x:_) # 0 = Just x
> (_:xs) # n = xs # (n-1)
> instance (Ord k) => Addressable (M.Map k v) where
> type Key (M.Map k v) = k
> type Value (M.Map k v) = v
> a #! i = a M.! i
> a # i = M.lookup i a
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> let strMap = M.fromList [("one","1"),("two","2"),("three","3")]
> let strList = ["1","2","3"]
> print $ strMap # "two" -- Just "2"
> print $ strMap #! "two" -- "2"
> print $ strList # 0 -- Just "1"
> print $ strList #! 0 -- "1"
> print $ strMap # "no-exist" -- Nothing
> print $ strList # 100 -- Nothing
> print $ strMap #! "no-exist" -- error
> print $ strList #! 100 -- error
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