[Haskell-cafe] Guide for converting existing code to Conduit 0.4?

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+hs at mega-nerd.com
Mon Apr 9 13:27:26 CEST 2012

Michael Snoyman wrote:

> Hmm... I'd be surprised if you really need the Pipe signature that
> you're providing.

I'm not providing it, the compiler is suggesting it:

        Couldn't match expected type `ByteString' with actual type `()'
        Expected type: C.Pipe Void ByteString (ResourceT IO) ByteString
          Actual type: C.Source (ResourceT IO) ByteString
        In the return type of a call of `requestBody'
        In the second argument of `($)', namely `requestBody req'

For the code:

    HC.requestBody = HC.RequestBodySource contentLength
                         $ fmap copyByteString
                         $ Wai.requestBody req

but the type of the RequestBodySource constructor and Wai.requestBody
hasn't changed.

Erik de Castro Lopo

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