[Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] skein-0.1: Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions. Includes Skein-MAC as well.

Vincent Hanquez tab at snarc.org
Wed Sep 21 07:29:27 CEST 2011

On 09/21/2011 03:53 AM, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm pleased to announce the first version of the skein package [1]!
> Skein is a family of fast secure cryptographic hash functions [2].
> The skein package provides high-level bindings (using crypto-api [3])
> to the optimized Skein C library.  Currently we support Skein as a
> hash function and also Skein as a message authentication code (MAC).
> The code is well-documented with examples and has many known answer
> tests (KATs).  It currently lives on patch-tag [4].
> Hackage will be build the docs soon enough.  Meanwhile, here's a short example:
Hi Felipe,

it's good to see more Skein stuff. it's a great crypto hash and one of the few 
remaining candidate for SHA-3.

Have you seen the cryptohash package http://hackage.haskell.org/package/cryptohash ?

I always wanted to expose more skein operations specially the hmac function, but 
never came around to, and maybe it would be good to merge to avoid duplicating 
efforts ?


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