[Haskell-cafe] ghc 7.0.3 view patterns and exhaustiveness

Richard Cobbe cobbe at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Sep 21 04:31:58 CEST 2011

I'm starting to play around with GHC's support for view patterns, and I'm
running into what appears to be an annoying limitation of the

GHC 7.0.3 (32-bit), MacOS 10.6.8.

First module; defines an abstract type & provides a (trivial) view for it.

    module Term(Term, TermView(..), view) where

    data Term = TVar String
              | TApp Term Term
              | TLam String Term

    data TermView = Var String
                  | App Term Term
                  | Lam String Term

    view :: Term -> TermView
    view (TVar x) = Var x
    view (TApp rator rand) = App rator rand
    view (TLam x body) = Lam x body

Second module tries to use the view in a trivial function:

    {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

    module Client where

    import Term

    numVarRefs :: Term -> Integer
    numVarRefs (view -> Var _) = 1
    numVarRefs (view -> App rator rand) = numVarRefs rator + numVarRefs rand
    numVarRefs (view -> Lam _ body) = numVarRefs body
    -- numVarRefs (view -> _) = error "bogus"

    f :: TermView -> Integer
    f (Var _) = 1
    f (App rator rand) = f (view rator) + f (view rand)
    f (Lam _ body) = f (view body)

GHCI complains when trying to load this second module:

        Warning: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
                 In an equation for `numVarRefs': Patterns not matched: _

(I have ":set -fwarn-incomplete-patterns" in my .ghci.)

I wrote 'f' to make sure that my patterns for TermView are indeed
exhaustive, and GHC doesn't complain about it all.

If I uncomment the last definition for numVarRefs, the warning goes away.

I did some searching around on the web, in the mailing list archives, and
in the GHC bug database, and I see that early on, views had trouble giving
useful diagnostics for overlapping or non-exhaustive patterns, but most of
those problems seem to have been fixed.  I also couldn't find a bug report
for precisely this situation -- #4439 is the closest, but I'm not using
existential types here at all.

Should I file a bug, or am I overlooking something simple?  Or is this a
known limitation of the current implementation?



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