[Haskell-cafe] ANN: cabal-ghci 0.1
Etienne Laurin
etienne at atnnn.com
Fri Sep 9 08:06:17 CEST 2011
Hello fellow hackers.
Here is a helpful package I wrote to ease the development of projects
using cabal.
It includes a :cabalset ghci command to set ghci options for your
project, and a cabal-ghci executable to launch ghci with those
Do you get errors when loading your project into ghci?
Prelude> a ← return 1
<interactive>:1:3: Not in scope: `←'
Prelude> :load Main
Could not find module `Main':
it is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
cabalset fixes these problems for you.
Prelude> :cabalset
:set "-i/home/atnnn/up1/src/dist/build/autogen"
:set "-i/home/atnnn/up1/src/web"
:set "-XUnicodeSyntax"
:set "-Wall"
Prelude> a ← return 1
Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type `Integer'
(Num t0) arising from the literal `1'
Prelude> :load Main
Ok, modules loaded: Main, Application, Handlers.
This works from any sub-directory of your project and accepts the
following arguments:
-fflag enable flag
-f-flag disable flag
exec load options for the exec executable
To install:
$ cabal update
$ cabal install cabal-ghci
$ cat >> ~/.ghci
:m + Distribution.Dev.Interactive
:def cabalset cabalSet
:m - Distribution.Dev.Interactive
Etienne Laurin
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