[Haskell-cafe] Solving the configuration problem with parametrized modules

Paul R paul.r.ml at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 09:21:27 CEST 2011

Joachim> point taken, if you are already building on a transformer
Joachim> stack, adding yet another layer is not a problem. I’m having
Joachim> mainly pure code in mind.

I think we need an other word than "pure" here. Usually, we understand
"pure" as "always producing the same result when given the same
parameters". Here, "always" really means "always", and does not depend
on the run-time context of the program. So obviously, a really pure
function can't use side-effect run-time constants.

IIUC, what you want is "run-time qualified" functions, or functions that
"In the scope of a run, always produce the same result when given the
same parameters". Is that right ?


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