[Haskell-cafe] Smarter do notation

Thomas Schilling nominolo at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 4 18:28:27 CEST 2011

I don't quite understand how this would work.  For example, would it work
for these examples?

  do x <- blah
     let foo = return
     foo (f x)  -- Using an alias of return/pure

  do x <- Just blah
     Just (f x)  -- another form of aliasing

  do x <- blah
     return (g x x)  -- could perhaps be turned into:
                     -- (\x -> g x x) <$> blah

  do x <- blah
     y <- return x
     return (f y)    -- = f <$> blah ?

  do x1 <- foo1        -- effect order must not be reversed
     x2 <- foo2
     return (f x2 x1)  -- note reversed order

  -- multiple uses of applicative
  do x1 <- foo1
     y <- return (f x1)
     x2 <- foo2
     y2 <- return (g y x2)
     return y2

So I guess it's possible to detect the pattern:

  do x1 <- foo1; ...; xN <- fooN; [res <-] return (f {x1..xN})

where {x1..xN} means "x1..xN" in some order" and turn it into:

  do [res <-] (\x1..xN -> f {x1..xN}) <$> foo1 <*> ... <*> fooN

Open issues would be detection of the correct "return"-like thing.  This is
why using monad comprehensions would help somewhat, but not fully because
it's still possible to put "x <- return y" in the generators part.  The
current desugaring of do-notation is very simple because it doesn't even
need to know about the monad laws.  They are used implicitly by the
optimiser (e.g., "foo >>= \x -> return x" is optimised to just "foo" after
inlining), but the desugarer doesn't need to know about them.

On 4 September 2011 03:34, Daniel Peebles <pumpkingod at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was wondering what people thought of a smarter do notation. Currently,
> there's an almost trivial desugaring of do notation into (>>=), (>>), and
> fail (grr!) which seem to naturally imply Monads (although oddly enough,
> return is never used in the desugaring). The simplicity of the desugaring is
> nice, but in many cases people write monadic code that could easily have
> been Applicative.
> For example, if I write in a do block:
> x <- action1
> y <- action2
> z <- action3
> return (f x y z)
> that doesn't require any of the context-sensitivty that Monads give you,
> and could be processed a lot more efficiently by a clever Applicative
> instance (a parser, for instance). Furthermore, if return values are
> ignored, we could use the (<$), (<*), or (*>) operators which could make the
> whole thing even more efficient in some instances.
> Of course, the fact that the return method is explicitly mentioned in my
> example suggests that unless we do some real voodoo, Applicative would have
> to be a superclass of Monad for this to make sense. But with the new default
> superclass instances people are talking about in GHC, that doesn't seem too
> unlikely in the near future.
> On the implementation side, it seems fairly straightforward to determine
> whether Applicative is enough for a given do block. Does anyone have any
> opinions on whether this would be a worthwhile change? The downsides seem to
> be a more complex desugaring pass (although still something most people
> could perform in their heads), and some instability with making small
> changes to the code in a do block. If you make a small change to use a
> variable before the return, you instantly jump from Applicative to Monad and
> might break types in your program. I'm not convinced that's necessary a bad
> thing, though.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Dan
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