[Haskell-cafe] Pointed, but not Applicative
Ryan Ingram
ryani.spam at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 19:55:54 CEST 2011
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Sebastian Fischer <fischer at nii.ac.jp>wrote:
> I think the idea of functional lists is that the monoids of 'lists'
> and 'functions on lists' are isomorphic with isomorphisms toFList and
> toList:
> toFList [] = id
> toFList (xs++ys) = toFList xs . toFList ys
> toList id = []
> toList (f . g) = toList f ++ toList g
Oh absolutely, but my point (if you will pardon the pun), was that just
given the type
newtype FList a = FL ([a] -> [a])
runFList (FL f) = f
and the law
runFList fl as = runFList fl [] ++ as
we can prove that
fmap f fl = FL $ \bs -> map f (runFList fl []) ++ bs
is a valid functor instance:
fmap id
(eta expand) = \fl -> fmap id fl
(apply fmap) = \fl -> FL $ \bs -> map id (runFList fl []) ++ bs
(map law) = \fl -> FL $ \bs -> id (runFList fl []) ++ bs
(apply id) = \fl -> FL $ \bs -> runFList fl [] ++ bs
(FList law) = \fl -> FL $ \bs -> runFList fl bs
(eta reduce) = \fl -> FL $ runFList fl
(constructor of destructor) = \fl -> fl
(unapply id) = \fl -> id fl
(eta reduce) = id
We don't need to know that FList is supposed to represent an isomorphism
to/from lists, although you can derive one, as you've shown. I just wanted
to show that it's a valid functor, but only if you assume an extra law on
the type. The functor instance depends critically on converting back to a
list which requires that law.
There's no functor instance for this type that doesn't convert back to a
list, which is unfortunate, because you lose the performance benefits of
constant-time append!
-- ryan
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