[Haskell-cafe] Libraries to compare trees?
Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 00:31:25 CEST 2011
Well, for arbitrary directed graphs, FGL is probably your best bet, or
_But_ you'll need to write the parser yourself using something like
trifecta, uu-parsinglib, polyparse, parsec, etc.
It would help if you described the structure of these graphs and what
kind of support you'd want in a data structure.
On 28 October 2011 00:27, dokondr <dokondr at gmail.com> wrote:
> My mistake: need advice on libraries and data types not for trees but for
> directed graphs.
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 4:49 PM, dokondr <dokondr at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Please advise on Haskell libraries to compare trees in textual
>> representation.
>> I need to compare both structure and node contents of two trees, find
>> similar sub-trees, and need some metric to measure distance between two
>> trees.
>> Also need advice on simple parser to convert textual tree representation
>> into a data type convenient for tree manipulation (comparison, matching,
>> etc.) What data type to use for trees with arbitrary structure?
>> Example trees:
>> *** Tree 1:
>> (ROOT
>> (S
>> (NP (DT The) (NN voice) (NN quality))
>> (VP (VBD was)
>> (ADJP (JJ clear) (RB too)))
>> (. .)))
>> *** Tree 2:
>> (ROOT
>> (S
>> (SBAR (IN Although)
>> (S
>> (NP (DT the) (NN battery) (NN life))
>> (VP (VBD was) (RB not)
>> (ADJP (JJ long)))))
>> (, ,)
>> (NP (DT that))
>> (VP (VBZ is)
>> (VP (VBN ok)
>> (PP (IN for)
>> (NP (PRP me)))))
>> (. .)))
>> Thanks!
>> Dmitri
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Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com
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