[Haskell-cafe] Open CV or alternate image processing library for Haskell on windows?

Ivan Perez ivanperezdominguez at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 12:38:01 CEST 2011

 Sorry for reopening an old thread (May 2011), but I just want to
report that I'm using HOpenCV
and cv-combinators under windows and I just wanted to tell you that it
works just fine.

I downloaded the opencv2 libraries as stated on this thread, and I'm
successfully building
software that works both on Windows (XP and 7, both x86) and Linux
(x86 & amd64).

The software will be released in a few days, if everything goes well.
You'll be able to find
it at keera.es, but I'll let you know when I release it anyway.

Ivan Perez.

PS. I just re-subscribed to this mailing list. I can't reply to the
old messages (don't have them),
and I can't set the old Message-ID with gmail, so I'm providing a link
to the original message.

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/haskell-cafe@haskell.org/msg89834.html

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