[Haskell-cafe] Online tutorial about Heist, Mvars, Anansi

nadine.and.henry at pobox.com nadine.and.henry at pobox.com
Thu Oct 20 17:55:34 CEST 2011

Dear haskellers,

I've spent the last few days scratching my head and wading through heist
code.  The result of my efforts is a tutorial available at:


Any corrections, suggestions, compliments or misc. personal abuse are always

Best wishes,

Nadine & Henry Laxen    Belle, Venus, Aphrodite
10580 N. McCarran Blvd. Adonis, Jarod
Suite 115-396           Via Alta # 6
Reno, Nevada            Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico 
89503-1896              CP 45900
          The rest is silence.  (Hamlet)

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