[Haskell-cafe] arr considered harmful
Ryan Ingram
ryani.spam at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 23:26:38 CET 2011
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Paterson, Ross <R.Paterson at city.ac.uk>wrote:
> If you require the circuit to be parametric in the value types, you can
> limit the types of function you can pass to arr to simple plumbing.
> See the netlist example at the end of my "Fun of Programming" slides (
> http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/fop.html).
That's a neat trick, Ross! It seems really similar to using parametricity
to recover the insides of lambdas in PHOAS metaprogramming:
-- HOAS expression language
data Expr (v :: * -> *) a where
Ap :: Expr v (a -> b) -> Expr v a -> Expr v b
Var :: v a -> Expr v a
Lam :: (v a -> Expr v b) -> Expr v (a -> b)
-- some expressions that are paremetric in the variable type
ex_id :: Expr v (a -> a)
ex_id = Lam $ \x -> Var x
ex_const :: Expr v (a -> b -> a)
ex_const = Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> Var x
-- a print function that relies on parametricity to expose the insides of
the functions inside "Lam"
printExpr :: (forall v. Expr v a) -> String
printExpr e = pe_helper vars 0 e "" where
vars = map (:[]) ['a' .. 'z'] ++ map (\n -> "t" ++ show n) [1..]
prec_lam = 1
prec_ap = 2
newtype VarName a = VarName String
pe_helper :: [String] -> Expr VarName a -> Int -> ShowS
pe_helper fv prec (Var (VarName s)) = showString s
pe_helper fv prec (Ap x y) = showParen (prec > prec_ap) (pe_helper fv
prec_ap x . showString " " . pe_helper fv (prec_ap+1) y)
pe_helper (v:fv) prec (Lam k) = showParen (prec > prec_lam) (showString "\"
. showString v . showString " -> " . pe_helper fv prec_lam e)
where e = k (VarName v)
-- some test cases
test1 = printExpr ex_const -- "\a -> \b -> a"
test2 = printExpr (ex_id `Ap` ex_const) -- "(\a -> a) (\a -> \b -> a)"
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